
I do occasionally place advertising on the site for monetary compensation on the sidebar as well as through sponsored posts. All sponsored posts or ads are fully disclosed - which means you'll always know if someone gave me money or something else to mention their name.

I do not use an ad network and so all advertising is decided by (very subjective) me. I try to make sure that the shops or advertisers reflect my values or are someone that I would do business with personally because I value the trust of my readership very much.

I offer preferred rates to Mum-owned businesses or Etsy sellers.

I do have an Amazon bookshop. (Basically, if you buy something through that shop, I might receive 23 cents. Someday.) It's not really for the compensation but more because it's an easy way to respond to readers that often ask what my favourite books are for parenting, faith and so on.

If you have a question - whether it's about a specific advertiser, a disclosure or rates - feel free to email me at sarah (at) emergingmummy (dot) com