PR Friendly

If you would like me to review a product/service or host a giveaway please email me directly at sarah (at) emergingmummy (dot) com
Thank you for your interest in Emerging Mummy. 

    Affiliation with Emerging Mummy
    To avoid cluttering the content of Emerging Mummy, this sister site was established. 

    Once a month, I publish one post at Emerging Mummy with links to all sponsors and then all reviews and giveaways for the month, linking to products/events post here at EM Reviews.

    Book or Movie Reviews
    • I often review books. I am a book reviewer for several publishers. Movies are pretty rare but I'm open.
    • You are responsible to provide a review copy and, if applicable, a giveaway copy. 
    • You are not guaranteed a positive review. I try to offer my honest reflections to my readers.
    • Reviews receive a dedicated post on Emerging Mummy Reviews as well as twitter activity. 
    • Giveaways are not required but are recommended. Shipping and taxes are your responsibility (not mine, not the winners).
    Product Reviews
    • I am open to reviewing products that I have personally tried. 
    • You are not guaranteed a positive review.
    • You are responsible to provide a review sample and, if applicable, a giveaway.
    • I am Canadian and it simply makes sense that I only review products that are available to Canadians.
    • Reviews receive a dedicated post on Emerging Mummy Reviews as well as twitter activity.
    • Giveaways are not required but are recommended. Shipping and taxes are your responsibility (not mine, not the winners).

    News and Events
    • I am open to posting news and listings for local events. But I do not offer a "calendar of events" and will only post events and news that may be of interest to me or my readers. 

    Advertising and Sponsorship
    Advertising is available at Emerging Mummy. For rates, please email me.

    Dedicated sponsorships to blogging conferences (i.e. BlogHer, Blissdom, Blissdom Canada, Relevant etc.) are also available.

    A Final Note

    Please note that I do reserve the right to turn down sponsorships, reviews, news or advertisers that do not reflect my values or the values of my readership. My blog is my own – my thoughts, my words, my opinions – and I highly value the trust of my readership.

    I also ensure full disclosure for my readers (i.e. if I got something for free, they are going to know. If you gave me money, I'll let them know. If I don't like your product, they are going to know. If I loved it, they are going to know.).


    Please email me at sarah (at) emergingmummy (dot) com.