I switched our cleaning supplies in our house to a natural methods - like vinegar, baking soda and Borax - a few years ago. I have a tendency towards psoriasis and when I come in contact with bleach, my skin goes crazy. So I've used "free" detergents for laundry for years now.
So I was interested to try out the MagicEra Washing Ball. Well, interested and a bit skeptical. But I used it on a few loads of the tinies' laundry and it did work very well - every thing came out clean and soft.
The Magic Washing Ball is considered environmentally friendly as well as budget friendly - in fact, according to the company, comparing to other chemical detergents, washing balls can save up to 90% of laundry budget; these washing balls are good up to 1000 loads. (If the laundry is somewhat heavy, the balls can be used with one spoon of baking soda.)
You can pick them up for $29.99 at London Drugs and a few other retailers.
If you're interested in more information about it, here is the website.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for my review. I was sent the product for free to review but my opinions are my own.
So how do you feel about them now that you have used them awhile?