Friday, August 19, 2011

REVIEW: Magic Washing Balls

I switched our cleaning supplies in our house to a natural methods - like vinegar, baking soda and Borax -  a few years ago. I have a tendency towards psoriasis and when I come in contact with bleach, my skin goes crazy. So I've used "free" detergents for laundry for years now.

So I was interested to try out the MagicEra Washing Ball. Well, interested and a bit skeptical. But I used it on a few loads of the tinies' laundry and it did work very well - every thing came out clean and soft.

The Magic Washing Ball is considered environmentally friendly as well as budget friendly - in fact, according to the company, comparing to other chemical detergents, washing balls can save up to 90% of laundry budget; these washing balls are good up to 1000 loads. (If the laundry is somewhat heavy, the balls can be used with one spoon of baking soda.) 

You can pick them up for $29.99 at London Drugs and a few other retailers.

If you're interested in more information about it, here is the website.

Disclosure: I was not compensated for my review. I was sent the product for free to review but my opinions are my own.

CLOSED //GIVEAWAY: Healthy Families BC and a $250 Gift Card to Lululemon

Contest is now closed. Thanks everyone for entering!
The winner is:

Glogirl said...

We enjoy walking outside and enjoying all the sights, sounds and smells of summer!

A day at the spray park with my older tinies and one of my little nieces.

Given how long it took for summer to arrive here in the Lower Mainland, we have jumped in, cannon ball style straight into the deep end of summer fun. Every day, we are outside and when its time to go in for bedtime, my inner voice is echoing the tinies moans of "awwwww, Mum? Already?" and then once they're sleeping, I'm on our back deck, exhausted, counting new freckles. 

We spend our days swimming usually. My five year old learned how to swim this summer and the sight of her in her goggles - well, it just makes me shout with laughter. 

My nearly-three-year-old is absolutely fearless in the water and flings himself in, belly flop, coming up sputtering and laughing. And Evelynn is usually along for the ride. 

This has been my favourite summer so far because the tinies are really able to run and play and swim. The pool is the best baby sitter I ever met in my life because they jump in with their life jackets on and swim until they are wrinkled and even then, they'd stay in forever if I let them. 

And then there is the summer garden suppers! I despise cooking in the heat and so we end up eating a lot of garden suppers, sandwiches of cucumbers and tomato with a bit of cream cheese, carrots, grilled corn on the cob. We have been making blueberry and peach crisps lately as well and oh, gracious, summer just shows off on those days.

There is a new resource called Healthy Families BC  that the province of BC has launched to help families eat healthy and live well. This online community which is hosted on the Healthy Families website, blog, Twitter (@healthyfamilybc) and Facebook Page looks to help BC citizens make the informed and positive lifestyle choices. Healthy Families BC offers everything from healthy recipes to dietitians blogging.

To celebrate Healthy Families BC and help you get moving, I have a $250 Lululemon gift card to give away!

Open to Canadian mailing addresses. 

Just leave a comment on this post telling me what your family does to keep active during the summer. 

That's it! If you want to Tweet it or Facebook the link or otherwise share it for this giveaway, that's great - just leave another comment telling me that you did so and you'll get another entry.

Contest closes 26 August at midnight. I'll draw a winner using

Good luck!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

GIVEAWAY: "The Help" Movie Prize Pack

CONTEST CLOSED! Thanks to everyone for participating!

Winner is:
Elizabeth said...

I read The Help twice last year and bought it to read again-loved it! I hope the movie is half as good.
August 4, 2011 7:38 PM 

One of my favourite books this past year was "The Help." I know it's not every one's cup of tea but I truly loved it. I missed the characters when it was over, felt sad when it slid down the return chute at the library  and then promptly bought it just to read it over again.

I'm headed to the advance screening tonight with my sister. The movie opens on August 10th.

If you do go to see the movie next week, you can tweet your thoughts using the hashtag: #TheHelpMovie #Canada

-Watch THE HELP trailer:
-Watch THE HELP behind the scenes featurette:
-Watch THE HELP Mary J Blige featurette:

To celebrate the release, I have a movie prize pack to give away. 
The prize pack includes:
·         THE HELP hand held novelty fan
·         THE HELP nail file
·         THE HELP bookmark

Open to Canadian and USA mailing addresses. Just leave a comment on this post telling me the last movie you saw (and liked). Thats it! If you want to Tweet it or Facebook the link for this giveaway out, that's great - just leave another comment telling me that you did so and you'll get another entry.

Contest closes 15 August at midnight. I'll draw a winner using

Good luck!